Thursday, June 5, 2008

9 Principles for Implementation

"We can see significant change when change happens first at the level of the individual educational leader."  I liked this.  It is so true, we the teachers, or principals and superintendents must see the reason for change before we can expect anybody else to change.  We have to be excited about it and jump right in to learning as much as we can.  The whole world is changing and if we refuse to change, we are going to be left behind or in the dark.  Which leads me into the other point the article had to say.  That there are staff members in schools that are resistant against change.  I think these staff members are just scared of the unknown.  They do not have any experience in the new technology and are afraid of failure.  Well, guess what, this is the 21st century and we have to step outside the box and use our right brains.  Otherwise what are we teaching the students of the future?  Left brain thinking and the rest of the countries will surpass us.  The article says that if the school system has a great staff leader to head off all the insecurities then the faculty that are resist will become more relaxed knowing they have a great leader.  I personally think Katie has done a tremendous job on getting technology in the O'Neill school system and being that kind of leader.


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